DON'T DOOM US TO DEBT FOR DECADES, placard message held when students demonstrate against the government cuts to education, in Trafalgar Square. Up to this time student demonstrators have avoided being victims of kettling, corralling by police, by marching free form around the West End of London in an improvised direction. Kettling is a police technique or fad for containing demonstrators and others around, in cordoned off areas. However ultimately the student protesters arrived in Trafalgar Square where the demonstration continued. In Trafalgar Square the police eventually blocked of all the exit roads, mainly to the inconvenience of people not connected with the demonstration, the tourists, National Art Gallery visitors, workers and other members of the public not related to the demonstration who happened to be in the area, were prevented from leaving freely by the police cordons. Trafalgar Square, London, 30 November 2010
Date: 30/11/2010
Location: Trafalgar Square, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff