Martin Linton Labour MP for Battersea attending a Parliamentary meeting at Jubilee Room House of Commons. Martin Linton Labour Member of Parliament speaks for his constituent Shaker Aamer who is being held in illegal custody in the controversial Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Sitting on his right side is Moazzam Begg who is director of the charity Cageprisoners and a victim of American injustice a former detainee at Guantánamo Bay and on his other side Gareth Peirce, she is Shaker Aamer's British Lawyer. Shaker Aamer was cleared for release in 2007, he has never been charged or tried for any offence however he has not been released. Westminster, London, 11th January 2010
Date: 11/01/2010
Location: Westminster, London, UK
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff