Antony Penrose

Antony Penrose (b.1947) British, photographer, author, biographer and director of the Lee Miller Archive and artist Roland Penrose Collection, at his parents former home, Farley Farm House & Gallery. Muddles Green, Chiddingly, East Sussex, England, 19 July 2024

Date: 19/07/2024

Location: Farley House & Gallery, Chiddingly, East Sussex

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff

Antony Penrose

Antony Penrose (b.1947) British, photographer, author, biographer and director of the Lee Miller Archive and artist Roland Penrose Collection, at his parents former home, Farley Farm House & Gallery. Muddles Green, Chiddingly, East Sussex, England, 19 July 2024

Date: 19/07/2024

Location: Farley House & Gallery, Chiddingly, East Sussex

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff