When I met this gentleman, he mentioned he was trying to get back to his wife in another part of India, he did not have sufficient funds to return home. I was not sure what to think about that story and did not say anything. I was looking for a certain Buddhist temple and asked him if he knew where it was, he said he did and took me to it, it was quite close by. Then he became my guide for the morning showing me a number of places of interest and that was nice. I paid him for his good service. Just as we were parting to go our own ways, I remembered his story about his wife, so I said I hoped he would find a way to get back home. He smiled and said now he had enough money to buy a bus ticket home. I congratulated him on his good fortune and we parted. Madras, Tamil Nadu, South India, November 1994
Location: Chennai previously Madras, Tamil Nadu, South India
Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff