Carved into an outdoor cafe table, a depiction of La montagne Sainte-Victoire, en provençal, signed P Cezanne. The table carving was attributed to Paul Cezanne by the local baba cool (hippies) that I was having a coffee with, whom I regarded as thoroughly reliable; though not so the cynical waiter on the argument that he would have sold the table carving if he though it was a genuine Cézanne. I did not have a camera with me and wishing to make a impression of this image in question, I smeared my hand with engine grease from my car and rubbed it on a piece of notepaper placed on top of the grooved out image to make an improvised oil picture rubbing as I imagined church rubbings are made but with wax crayons or chalk. This is a photo of that rubbing. It was on a route that Cezanne took when on his painting excursions I was informed. The print is approx. 4.9” by 3.2” inches. Provence, France,1968
Location: Montagne Sainte-Victoire, Provence, France
Photographer: artist: Paul Cezanne