Jean Cocteau self-portrait is a detail within a larger mural at the Notre Dame de France. The fresco is dated 1960 however he painted it in late 1959. Leicester Square, London, England, (photo 12 June 2010).
Jean Cocteau (1889 - 1963) French filmmaker, artist and writer. Films include: Le Sang d'un poète (The Blood of a Poet) (1930); L'Éternel retour (The Eternal Return) (1943); La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast) (1946); L'Aigle à deux têtes (The Eagle with Two Heads) (1948); Les Parents terribles (English title, The Storm Within) (1948); Coriolan (1950) never released; Orphée (Orpheus) (1950); La Villa Santo-Sospir (1952); 8 × 8: A Chess Sonata in 8 Movements (1957) co-director, experimental film Le Testament d'Orphée (The Testament of Orpheus) (1960).
Location: Soho, London, UK
Photographer: artwork by: Jean Cocteau