Silence Is Violence

Anti-genocide, anti-apartheid and anti-occupation in Gaza demonstration march. Peace campaigner hold a placard with the words: “Silence Is Violence”. When you are not talking about a genocide that ongoing it most be! London, 3 Feb 2024

(Editor's opinion note : 'Silence Is violence in this context!')

Date: 03/02/2024

Location: London, UK

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff

Silence Is Violence

Anti-genocide, anti-apartheid and anti-occupation in Gaza demonstration march. Peace campaigner hold a placard with the words: “Silence Is Violence”. When you are not talking about a genocide that ongoing it most be! London, 3 Feb 2024

(Editor's opinion note : 'Silence Is violence in this context!')

Date: 03/02/2024

Location: London, UK

Photographer: Richard Keith Wolff